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Food Between Curse and Cure: Islam, Health, and the Good Life

Food Between Curse and Cure: Islam, Health, and the Good Life

Abu Munir al-Shaar

About The Book Few people exemplify service to the Muslims like Abu Munir, a Syrian man who spent his entire life in service, including the century’s foremost scholars and sages, like Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman as-Shagouri, Sheikh Mustafa at-Turkmani, and Sheikh as-Shukri (May Allah have mercy upon them all), until their very last breath. Amidst war-torn Syrian civil unrest, he fled to Jordan where he would discover his cancer diagnosis of leukemia. While battling leukemia, he was introduced to functional, integrative, and traditional physicians who guided him to an optimal diet and lifestyle, helping his cancer remain in remission. With the intention of benefiting the community (umma) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), he compiled the words and wisdom he obtained into the present book. He and his team of clinicians began seeing patients and, with the will of Allah Most High, they were cured of their chronic diseases: diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, seizures, obesity, and more. Chronic disease is sabotaging our health, and the current medical model is leaving patients sicker than ever on multiple pills with multiple side effects. Patients are depressed with no guidance. The advice provided in this book will cure 90% of medical conditions in the physical realm through addressing the root cause while providing readers the real cure in the spiritual realm through augmenting one's relationship with Allah Most High. A certified physician assistant (PA-C) with a background in the Arabic sciences, the translator researched, compiled, and added upon Abu Munir's work for the western audience, providing a balance of mental, physical, and spiritual health to achieve, in words of the Koran, "the good life" (hayat tayyiba). About The Author Abu Munir is an inheritor of the beautiful Damascan tradition of spirituality and service. He was the companion and personal servant of Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghouri, the renowned Shadhili master of Damascus, who he served for decades. He then became the personal servant to Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman’s successors, Sheikh Mustafa al-Turkmani and Sheikh al-Shukri al-Lahafi. More recently, amidst war-torn Syrian civil unrest, he fled to Jordan where he would discover his cancer diagnosis of leukemia. While battling leukemia, he was introduced to functional, integrative, and traditional physicians who guided him to an optimal diet and lifestyle, helping his cancer remain in remission. With the intention of benefiting the community (umma) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), he compiled the words and wisdom he obtained into the present book. He and his team of clinicians began seeing and helping patients. He is beloved by scholars, students of knowledge, neighbors, children, and anyone who meets him. His way, like that of his teachers, is of unconditional love, humility, and tireless concern for others.


The Quran Beheld: An English Translation From The Arabic

The Quran Beheld: An English Translation From The Arabic

About The Book This work solves an enigma that has puzzled many readers first coming to Islam through English translations of the Quran. The Arabic original stunned hearers in their own language with its unutterable evocative power, incisive arguments, the sharp relief of its contrasts, striking imagery, and precise detail. Most translations stun few. They seem somehow out of focus, vague, the thread of discourse is often inexplicably lost, and they are seldom moving or powerful. The present work is called The Quran Beheld because its translator found that the classical Islamic curriculum for learning the Quranic sciences lifts the veil from the divine masterpiece like stepping from a dark and silent house into a lively spring day outside. Everything changes. A preface outlines the Quran’s continued relevance for readers today. An introduction describes the time-honored Quranic teaching paradigm and interpretive method of talaqqi, ‘one-on-one instruction,’ by which the translator studied the Quran with a traditional scholar in Jordan during the fifteen years of the work. The two went word by word through the Quran together twice, in the light of its greatest exegetes, the Imams of Quranic exegesis or tafsir, which literally means ‘uncovering’—men such as Tabari, Zamakhshari, Abu Su‘ud, Ibn ‘Ashur, Biqa‘i, Razi, Alusi, and others. The introduction explains seven key areas of meaning, ubiquitous throughout the Quran, not incorporated by any previous translation. Such gaps have prevented serious apprehension of many of the themes, logic, and arguments that carry the message of the Quran’s suras forward. Readers may judge for themselves how much this matters. The English of the translation faces the Arabic original, and is preceded by a section setting forth the main themes of the Quran, sura by sura. About The Author Shaykh NUH HA MIM KELLER was born in eastern Washington State in 1954. He read philosophy at Gonzaga University, the University of Chicago, and UCLA, entered Islam in 1977 at al-Azhar in Cairo, and moved to Jordan in 1980. A scholar of traditional Islamic sciences who studied with sheikhs in Jordan and Syria, he has produced such works as Reliance of the Traveller, Sea Without Shore, and the Chain of Gold edition of Dala’il al-Khayrat. He is a senior fellow at the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought.     For more details please visit the Quran Beheld Website.  


Glimpses: The Life of the Blessed Prophet

Glimpses: The Life of the Blessed Prophet

Muhammad Husni Fayid

About The Book So much has been written about the Prophet of Islam, may God’s blessings and peace be upon him and his family,  that one may well wonder whether yet another book is called for. However, so much is known about him and there are so many ways of presenting and interpreting the material that any new work potentially has something additional to offer. Glimpses: The life of the Blessed Prophet being relatively short, it does not contain so much detail as to become arduous to read; nor is it so brief as to lose its informative power or the spiritual fragrance of that emanates from the life of the Supreme Divine Envoy. It provides essential information about the Prophet’s background, ancestry, character, and household, the various stages of his life, his miracles, and his political and military activities. It is therefore a useful summary of the most important facts about him. It also shows how the Prophet envisaged his mission: what he wished to achieve for mankind and for his Community.  Firstly, the Prophet’s words and deeds, preserved in full detail for posterity by his Companions and transmitted meticulously from generation to generation, show how concerned he was to save disbelievers from the consequences of their denial of the One True God and of a Day of Judgement. He ordered his Community to transmit his message on his behalf as best they could, and to do so gently and tactfully. To exterminate them would result in their dying as disbelievers and deserving Hellfire, and so he fought only in self-defense. He enjoined upon his Community to keep their promises and pacts even with disbelievers. The second function was to make the believers better Muslims who excelled in their adoration of their Lord, and in their behavior toward others. The third function was to found an exemplary Islamic state, ruled with justice, where both Muslims and non-Muslims enjoyed the full protection of the Sacred Law and were able to worship in full freedom. About The Author Muhammad Husni Fayid, has lived in Madina and has taught Qur’ān recitation in the Prophet’s Mosque for over forty years as well as teaching English. Born in 1945 at Shiblinga in the Nile Delta in Egypt, he studied English at the University of ‘Ayn Shams in Cairo, graduating in 1964. This book was originally written in Arabic. The present version is a free adaptation, containing much new material designed specifically for readers of English.


The Devotion of Imam Al-Nawawi

The Devotion of Imam Al-Nawawi


About The Book This Hizb/Wird is considered one of the great Devotions that is famous among the Muslims. It is attributed to the modern Imam Hafiz al-Faqih Muhyi al-Din Abu Zakaria Yahya bin Sharaf al-Din al-Shafi'i may Allah be pleased with him and make us benefit by his blessing, who died in 676 AH. It is a collection of du'aa, supplications, and recitations that were read by Imam al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) every day with the phrase of his followers that he persevered. This book is a translation of a work written in the thirteenth century by Imam al-Nawawi. In his presentation, Dr. Abd-Allah will provide an overview of the life of this saint and scholar in addition to discussing the significance of the new publication. He will define for us what tradition is, as well as the centrality of the text in establishing a living tradition. The discussion will also explore the role of such books in paving a way to gain an equilibrium within our souls; the role of spirituality in today’s world, and why some Muslims spirituality with suspicion. Written by one of the most celebrated scholars in Islamic History, The Devotion of Imam al-Nawawi is a beautiful remembrance and a gift from God to the community of His Beloved, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. It is highly respected and widely accepted by all spiritual paths. Among its many benefits is the subtle way it helps to purify intentions, facilitate aspirations, and give access to spiritual perfection. It asks for the protection of one's family, children, possessions, and friends against all harm.    ''By God's will, those who recite the devotion will be within God's special protection and providential care''   This translation is accompanied by an introduction and commentary that seeks to provide the seeker of God with a deeper understanding of this devotion and of remembrance (dhikr) in general. About Imam Nawawi Imam Muhyi ddin Abi Zakariyya Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi known simply as Imam Nawawi was Born in the village of Nawa in Southern Syria. He spent most of his life in Damascus where he lived in a simple manner, devoted to Allah, engaging single-mindedly in worship, study, writing, and teaching various Islamic sciences.  Although best known for his works in hadith, Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (d. 676/1277) was also the Imam of the later Shafi'i school of Jurisprudence, and widely acknowledged as the intellectual heir to Imam Shafi'i. He was a renowned scholar and jurist who dedicated his life to the pursuit of Islamic learning. Imam Nawawi died at the young age of 44 years, leaving behind him numerous works of great efforts and knowledge. He is well know for books which are easy to understand.


Secrets of Divine: Love A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam

Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam

A. Helwa

About The Book The #1 international bestselling book, Secrets of Divine Love was written for the longing heart, for the one who is searching for something they have not been able to find. For the one who sometimes spirals into hopelessness and cannot help but feel too imperfect for a perfect God to love. This book is for the one who is at the edge of their faith, who has experienced religion as a harsh winter instead of the life-bearing spring it was sent to me by God. Review "A. Helwa's book, Secrets of Divine Love, is a magnificent accomplishment. So often we are asked where and how one accesses the inner heart of the Islamic tradition, and now I can say, here it is! Helwa does a beautiful job of taking us, no matter what our faith background, through the Qur'an, teachings of the Prophet, Rumi, and other mystical luminaries.  - OMID SAFI, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University and author of Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition "I am simply entranced by A. Helwa's metaphors and insights. The bulk of her sentences are poetry in motion and studded with pearls of wisdom. Fragrant with beauty. Many of the sentences are musical...Enchanting! The creative way Helwa has integrated her heart knowledge into her understanding of Islam is stunning." - IMAM JAMAL RAHMAN, Author of Spiritual Gems of Islam "A marvelous book that gives a sound grasp of this great religion and nourishment to the heart we deeply need. This book is a source of majesty and beauty." - DR. FAWZIA AL-RAWI, Author of Divine Names: The 99 Healing Names of the One Love Whether you identify as a Muslim whose faith has perhaps grown weary or as someone who would like to taste of the essence of a tradition you do not understand, Secrets of Divine Love is a masterful map of the landscape of the soul on its journey home to the One who both transcends and dwells within all that is." - MIRABAI STARR, Author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam     "Secrets of Divine Love is the product of A. Helwa's earnest search for truth and meaning. It is also her invitation to us, the readers, to see what she has seen. This is a fascinating book that offers various profound insights and a vision of Islam--and indeed the Divine--that many readers will surely find enlightening and uplifting." - MOHAMMAD KHALIL, Professor of Islamic Studies at Michigan State University "Secrets of Divine Love opens with one word -- "Love." This word appears and reappears until the reader comes to understand only a fraction of the ways that God pours His light on them...One regularly is flushed with examples of God's compassion, kindness, forgiveness, patience, and comfort. This is simply a wonderful book, written with care and precision, weaving us into God's beautiful tapestry." - DR. NAZITA LAJEVARDI, Assistant Professor at Michigan State University and author of Outsiders at Home: The Politics of American Islamophobia   About The Author   Writer A. Helwa has over 15 years of experience writing and speaking on Islam and personal development. Over the past several years she has inspired over 400,000+ readers through her passionate, poetic, and love-based approach to Islamic spirituality. Her popular blog @quranquotesdaily, was established while attending a Masters in Divinity focused on Islamic spirituality and peacemaking, as a means of helping others overcome personal and spiritual struggles on their journey of experiencing divine love.  


Hearts Turn: Sinners, Seekers, Saints and the Road to Redemption

Hearts Turn: Sinners, Seekers, Saints and the Road to Redemption

Michael Sugich

About The Book ’Hearts Turn’ is a singular and gripping exploration of the act of 'tawba', a Qur’anic term commonly translated as repentance. In English, repentance is a forbidding word that suggests a puritanical finality. But in Arabic the term 'tawba' is dynamic, meaning to ‘turn’ or ‘return’. 'At-Tawwab' is one of the Names of God, the Oft-Returning or Ever-Relenting. It is an active constant, an ongoing, compassionate reality that renews every moment we are alive. The process of purification is a process of continuous turning.  In ‘Hearts Turn’ Michael Sugich, author of ‘Signs on the Horizons’, tells stories that are harrowing and hilarious, heartrending and bizarre, profane and transcendent, and altogether full of hope, showing how men and women from many parts of the world and many walks of life have turned themselves around and taken a fork in the road toward a higher reality.  About The Author Michael Sugich (Haroon Sugich) is a native of Santa Barbara, California and studied at UCLA and the California Institute of the Arts. He was initiated into a traditional Sufi order in 1972. Since that time he has studied Sufi doctrine and practice with spiritual masters across the Arab and Islamic world. He lived for 23 years in the precincts of the sacred city of Makkah al-Mukarama where he kept company with many men of knowledge and illumination. He has been a professional writer and communications advisor for forty years, and has written three books, including ‘Signs on the Horizon’. He was the co-founder of a successful public relations practice and has advised corporate leaders, senior religious figures and politicians. He has lived in London, Bristol, Cairo and Dubai and currently resides in Istanbul.


Towards Sacred Activism

Towards Sacred Activism

Dawud Walid

About The Book Towards Sacred Activism is an attempt at providing concise, general guidance to Muslims in the West regarding engagement in social justice activism from an Islamic perspective. I do not profess that the brief contents within are the sole authority on this issue, nor do I believe that this work should go un-critiqued.  It is but an attempt to present some general parameters and reminders based upon fundamental aspects of Islam drawn from our rich tradition which focus on building and supporting model life for all of Allah’s creation, humans being the priority.   "This work by Imam Dawud Walid, Towards Sacred Activism, is a very valuable addition to the ever growing library of English Islamic literature. The title itself, however, seems to hint at an oxymoron. After all, activism, as usually understood, implies a passionate, engulfing engagement with the world, while the sacred implies that which is of or related to God, who is, in many critical aspects, distinct from the world. This seeming contradiction only exists when we view the world through the dichotomized lens provided us by the modern West. As more and more Muslims adopt that lens as part of their effort to both understand and engage the modern world, the gap between the religious scholar, viewed by many as the principal defender and preserver of the sacred in the world, and the activist, grows wider." - Imam Zaid Shakir, Zaytuna College   About The Author Dawud Walid is an imam in the Metropolitan Detroit area and is a senior fellow at the Auburn Seminary based in New York City. He is also co-author of the previously released book entitled “Centering Black Narrative: Black Muslim Nobles Among the Early Pious Muslims."   ​


Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge and Wisdom

Imam al-Haddad

About The Book “The core issue this book so movingly raises is the overriding presence that looms above all humanity, that is, the Hereafter, the ultimate and inescapable destination of all people believers and inveterate deniers alike. Imam al-Haddad, a gifted scholar, and clear-sighted spiritual sage distill's in 40 short essays throbbing reminders of what one must do in his or her short life to prepare for the awesome Standing for the Lord of all being. Toward this most noble of ends, Knowledge, and Wisdom imparts the kind of counsel-candid and sincere that can change a person’s life.” About The Author Imam Abd Allah ibn Alawi al-Haddad was born in 1634 CE (1044 Hijri). He lived his entire life in the town of Tarim in Yemen’s Valley of Hadramawt and died there in 1720 CE (1132 Hijri). In Islamic history, he was considered one of the great Sufi sages. He was an adherent to the Ashari Sunni Creed of Faith (Aqeedah), while in Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), he was a Shafi'i. He lived at Tarim in the Hadramaut valley between Yemen and Oman and is widely held to have been the ‘renewer’ of the twelfth Islamic century. A direct descendant of the Prophet, his sanctity and direct experience of God are clearly reflected in his writings, which include several books, a collection of Sufi letters, and a volume of mystical poetry. He spent most of his life in Kenya and Saudi Arabia where he taught Islamic jurisprudence and classical Sufism according to the order (tariqa) of the Ba'Alawi sayids. In spite of being a major source of reference among the Sunni Muslims (especially among Sufis), only recently have his books began to receive attention and publication in the English-speaking world. Their appeal lies in the concise way in which the essential pillars of Islamic belief, practice, and spirituality have been streamlined and explained efficiently enough for the modern reader. Examples of such works are The Book of Assistance, The Lives of Man, and Knowledge and Wisdom. About The TranslatorDr. Mostafa Badawi was born in Cairo in 1948. He graduated from Cairo University Medical School in 1971 and thereafter completed his postgraduate training in the United Kingdom in 1985. He has been practicing as a consultant psychiatrist since then. Dr. al-Badawi has authored several books in English, including Man and the Universe: An Islamic Perspective, The Prophetic Invocations, and Sufi Sage of Arabia: Biography of Imam al-Haddad.He is a distinguished authority on the history and teachings of the Ba 'Alawi Sayyids. He studied under many shaykhs, foremost among whom is the late Habib Ahmad Mashur al-Haddad.Dr. Badawi is one of the leading contemporary translators of Islamic books from Arabic to English and has authored several books in Arabic. In addition, he has translated from the original Arabic into English several of Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi al-Haddad's works, including The Book of Assistance, The Lives of Man, Gifts for the Seeker, Wisdom and Knowledge, Good Manners, and Mutual Reminding. He also translated into English Habib Ahmad al-Haddad's Key to the Garden as well as Shaykh Abd al-Khaliq ash-Shabrawi's Degrees of the Soul.  


Three Treatises : Mutual Reminding, Good Manners & The Aphorisms

Three Treatises : Mutual Reminding, Good Manners & The Aphorisms

Imam al-Haddad

About The Book This volume contains three concise treatises of the venerable Imām al-Ḥaddād. The first treatise, Mutual Reminding, distills the ethic and content of offering good counsel to one another. The chief elements of counsel, says the Imām, are Taqwā, an active fear and consciousness of God, and detachment from the material world.  These elements connect with the topic of the second treatise, Good Manners, which discusses the manners recommended of the spiritual wayfarer as he or she takes the path to spiritual felicity. The third treatise, The Aphorisms, is a compilation of Imām al-Ḥaddād’s wise insights on a broad range of topics and includes the commentary of Shaykh Muḥammad Ḥayāt al-Sindī. About The Author Imam Abd Allah ibn Alawi al-Haddad was born in 1634 CE (1044 Hijri). He lived his entire life in the town of Tarim in Yemen’s Valley of Hadramawt and died there in 1720 CE (1132 Hijri). In Islamic history, he was considered one of the great Sufi sages. He was an adherent to the Ashari Sunni Creed of Faith (Aqeedah), while in Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), he was a Shafi'i. He lived at Tarim in the Hadramaut valley between Yemen and  and is widely held to have been the ‘renewer’ of the twelfth Islamic century. A direct descendant of the Prophet, his sanctity and direct experience of God are clearly reflected in his writings, which include several books, a collection of Sufi letters, and a volume of mystical poetry. He spent most of his life in Kenya and Saudi Arabia where he taught Islamic jurisprudence and classical Sufism according to the order (tariqa) of the Ba'Alawi . In spite of being a major source of reference among the Sunni Muslims (especially among Sufis), only recently have his books began to receive attention and publication in the English-speaking world. Their appeal lies in the concise way in which the essential pillars of Islamic belief, practice, and spirituality have been streamlined and explained efficiently enough for the modern reader. Examples of such works are The Book of Assistance, The Lives of Man, and Knowledge and Wisdom. About The TranslatorDr. Mostafa Badawi was born in Cairo in 1948. He graduated from Cairo University Medical School in 1971 and thereafter completed his postgraduate training in the United Kingdom in 1985. He has been practicing as a consultant psychiatrist since then. Dr. al-Badawi has authored several books in English, including Man and the Universe: An Islamic Perspective, The Prophetic Invocations, and Sufi Sage of Arabia: Biography of Imam al-Haddad.He is a distinguished authority on the history and teachings of the Ba 'Alawi Sayyids. He studied under many shaykhs, foremost among whom is the late Habib Ahmad Mashur al-Haddad.Dr. Badawi is one of the leading contemporary translators of Islamic books from Arabic to English and has authored several books in Arabic. In addition, he has translated from the original Arabic into English several of Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi al-Haddad's works, including The Book of Assistance, The Lives of Man, Gifts for the Seeker, Wisdom and Knowledge, Good Manners, and Mutual Reminding. He also translated into English Habib Ahmad al-Haddad's Key to the Garden as well as Shaykh Abd al-Khaliq ash-Shabrawi's Degrees of the Soul.


A Thinking Person’s Guide to Islam : The Essence of Islam in 12 Verses from the Qur’an

A Thinking Person’s Guide to Islam : The Essence of Islam in 12 Verses from the Qur’an

Prince Ghazi Bin Muhammad

About The Book The world is at a crossroads today. A tiny minority of Muslims seems to be bent on hijacking the religion of Islam and bringing it into perpetual conflict with the rest of the world. Because of their actions, very few non-Muslims understand the real difference between Islam as it has always been, and the distorted perversions of Islam today. This book is an attempt to positively say what Islam actually is—and always was—as well as what it is not. About The Author H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal of Jordan (b. 1966 CE) was educated at Harrow School, UK; received his BA Summa cum Laude from Princeton University, NJ, USA; his first PhD from Trinity College, Cambridge University, UK, and his second PhD from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. He is a Professor of Islamic Philosophy and his book Love in the Holy Qur’an has been widely acclaimed, has gone into ten editions and has been translated into a number of languages. He also serves as Chief Advisor for Religious and Cultural Affairs to H.M. King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein of Jordan. This title has been jointly published by White Thread Press & Turath Publishing.  The hardcover includes a  annex on the Crisis of ISIS. ​----------------------- ​ Reviews:   “Lucid in its explanations, unassailable in its logic; a book of the moment; simply spot on.” —H.E. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, The Sultan of Sokoto, Nigeria “Easy to read, easy to understand and easy to swallow and digest. It very beautifully explains what Islam really is, how it is explained in its sacred texts, and how it has been understood throughout centuries by the overwhelming majority of Muslims.” —Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani “A very much needed book, comprehensive, yet concise, easy to read, and authoritative. A must-read book.” —Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi “A salient account of a mighty faith drawn in deft strokes by an insider. Edifying, broad, and stimulating.” —Shaykh Nuh Keller “Much anxiety comes from not properly understanding what others think or believe. One example today is the widespread misunderstanding of Islam. So when a respected scholar of Islamic philosophy such as Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad writes A Thinking Person’s Guide to Islam, it is of global significance. I welcome the publication of this book, convinced that interested readers will find much in it to inspire them and set their minds at rest.” —H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso “A most authentic presentation of Islam in its contemporary context.” —Professor M. Hashim Kamali, IAIS, Malaysia “Exceptionally lucid in explanation, deeply scholarly and yet accessible on a popular level, this is an essential book for Muslims and non-Muslims alike at this time in our civilization.” —Revd Canon Professor Paul S. Fiddes, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Oxford “A concise, luminously clear, and highly readable explanation of Islam from the pen one of its best educated and most influential advocates.” —Professor Miroslav Volf, Yale University Divinity School “A brilliant summa of Islam. It is exactly what is needed today for both Muslims and non-Muslims confused by headline grabbing terrorists claiming to represent Islam.” —Professor Tamara Sonn, Georgetown University “Profoundly rooted in the traditional wisdom of Islam yet also contends with the realities of today, not least because it is bold enough to tackle and name for what it is the perversion of the Muslim faith offered by the group known as Daesh/IS.” —Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches “A witness of what I have called ‘robust moderation’; this witness confronts extremism with God’s love.” —Bishop Dr. Munib Yunan, President of the World Lutheran Federation  


The Content of Character: Ethical Sayings of The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) - Revised & Edited

The Content of Character: Ethical Sayings of The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) - Revised & Edited

Al-Amin Mazrui

Description From The Publisher:  “Can we change by listening? Can we be so touched and inspired by words that we are moved to renew and remake ourselves a better, nobler, and more merciful human beings? The impact that good words have had on humanity throughout history resoundingly declares we can. These wise sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, collected here, are designed to do just that – to guide us to the very best in ourselves. Compiled by renowned East African scholar, Al-Amin ‘Ali Mazru’i, this collection brings together sayings that encourage good character, speaks to our conscience and our heart, and moves us to become better human beings. As a scholar, Shaykh Al-Amin Mazrui attempted to be a bridge between Islam and modernity. He argued that while Christianity became the vanguard of progress when it became more secular and less Christian, Islam was the vanguard of progress when it was more Islamic and less secular. According to Shaykh Al-Amin, progress among Muslims required not the abandonment of Islam but the recovery of the original spirit of Islamic enlightenment. Shaykh Al-Amin's choice of these favored sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) in "The Content of Character" --translated and introduced here by the well-known American Muslim scholar Hamza Yusuf -- was influenced by his effort to be a bridge--builder, especially between the values of tradition and the norms of modernity, between the wisdom of religion and the compassion of humanity. Contains original Arabic text of hadiths as well.


Allah: An Explanation of the Divine Names and Attributes

Allah: An Explanation of the Divine Names and Attributes

Ahmad ibn Ajiba

About The Book The purpose of our creation, as Allah tells us in the Qur'an, is worship: "And I have not created jinn or mankind except to worship Me." (51:56) The Companion 'Abdullah Ibn 'Abbas , the preeminent exegete for whom the Prophet Muhammad s prayed "O Allah, teach him the interpretation of the Scripture," said about this verse, "Except to worship me means: Except to know Me." To endeavor to know Allah is to fulfill the very purpose of our existence, and to know Him is to know His beautiful names, attributes, and acts. In this work, taken from his large exegesis of Sura al-Fatiha, Ibn 'Ajiba details the meanings of Allah's Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names (al-Asma' al-Husna) and shows readers how to come closer to Allah through the three-fold path of connection, inculcation, and realization: to connect to each of the divine names; to inculcate their meanings in ethics and character; and to attain realization of them, beyond repetition, rote memory, or theoretical discussion. In this commentary, readers can get a glimpse of the transformative power of knowing the Creator through His Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names, about which the Prophet Muhammad s has said, "To Allah belongs ninety-nine names; whosoever enumerates them fully shall enter the Garden." - (al-Bukhari)


O Humankind: Surah Ya-Sin

Cemalnur Sargut


About The Book Muhammad summarized Chapter Ya-Sin with the following noble hadith: “Everything has a heart. The heart of the Quran is Chapter Ya-Sin.” If we think of this universe as an embodiment of the Quran’s meaning, the perfect human beings (al-Insan al-Kamil) described in Chapter Ya-Sin are the heart of this body. As they assume the character traits of the Prophet, they give life to the dead bodies with these character traits.   “O Humankind” is an elaborate commentary on the Chapter Ya-Sin, the heart of the Quran, about the inner meanings of each of its verses. Compiled by Cemalnur Sargut, the book is a reference that draws on various tafsir works and the commentaries of the perfect human beings.   The great Quran commentary tradition shows us how Muslims have understood their religion over time. The tradition is found here in a selection ranging over ten centuries of commentary on chapter Ya Sin, known as “the heart of the Quran.”   About The Author   As a female Sufi teacher, Cemalnur Sargut commands a loyal and active worldwide following, especially in Turkey. Her career as a scholar and Sufi leader represents an important case study in the dynamics of contemporary global Sufism. This volume represents the first text in English translation that brings together some of her major discourses and teachings as presented to her students through the genre of oral discourses.   More specifically, the discourses that form the core of this book were collected through oral interviews with Cemalnur conducted by her students as part of a weekly program. Victoria Rowe Holbrook teaches philosophy in the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Bilgi University. She is a graduate of Harvard and Princeton and a Mellon Fellow. She founded the program in Ottoman and Modern Turkish Literary and Cultural studies at the Ohio State University.   She is the author of The Unreadable Shores of Love: Turkish Modernity and Mystic Romance, dozens of articles on literature and philosophy, and translations including The White Castle by Nobel winner Orhan Pamuk, Beauty and Love by Seyh Galip, and Commentary on the Spiritual Couplets of Mevlana Rumi by Kenan Rifai.


Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur’an: A Translation of Asrar Tartib al-Quran

Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti


About The Book Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur'an contains Imam al-Suyuti's unique exploration into the structure of the Book of Allah, and specifically the sequence of its chapters in its complete form, at the conclusion of its revelation to Allah's Final Messenger ﷺ. A consummate master of the Qur'anic sciences, Imam al-Suyuti delves deep into the various reasons behind the order of the chapters (Surahs) in the Qur'an, revealing layers of meaning and intricate interconnections across many levels of language, meanings, context, purpose, and more. On the effort and research invested in this work, the al-Suyuti writes: “…since few people have spoken on… this subject, the majority of this text is the result of my own contemplation and borne of my own investigation. However, if I do mention something that someone else has said, I explicitly mention its source, and I only mention that which is accepted, which no one has rejected.” In this sense, this text feels quite personal, as it provides a glimpse into Imam's immense knowledge and capacious intellect. Imam al-Suyuti's superlative scholarship is unmistakable, as he draws on his knowledge Hadith, Tafsir, history, and the Arabic language to make an extraordinary range of connections and insights. However, despite the obvious brilliance of its author, this work is also easily accessible to readers of all levels. It is meticulously organized to present a coherent flow of ideas and insight, that allows even beginning students to find benefit. The Surahs of the Qur'an are discussed in order, chapter by chapter, with the chapters themselves maintaining a consistent structure. Imam al-Suyuti provides detailed commentary on the placement of each Surah in relation to what comes before it and what will come after it, and what deeper meanings this particular arrangement might signify. His commentary is rich with references to Hadith, historical contexts, and linguistic analyses. Al-Suyuti also frequently quote the opinions and insights of great scholars of earlier generations, adding depth to the text, and situating his own analyses within the vast corpus of scholarship that came before him. One of the most striking features of this book is Imam al-Suyuti's method of reflection. He does not merely present facts or traditional interpretations, but also engages in a deep, contemplative analysis that unveils some of the hidden wisdom within the Qur'an's structure. This approach is both scholarly and spiritual, making the work a gem of a read for all. The Imam’s reflections are presented in a manner that invites readers to join him in this contemplative journey, offering a personal and immersive experience of understanding the Qur'an. Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur'an is a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Allah's Final Revelation, and will be an invaluable resource for readers, students of Islamic studies, and anyone interested in understanding the Qur'an on a deeper level. Talut Dawood's translation is fluid, faithful to the original text, and retains the depth and subtleties of Imam al-Suyuti's reflections, making Imam al-Suyuti's profound insights accessible to a broader English-speaking audience. This bilingual edition features the original Arabic text and translation in parallel, allowing students who read Arabic to peruse the source text alongside the English. About The Author Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, also known as Ibn al-Suyuti, was a mujtahid imam and reformer of the tenth Islamic century. He was a prominent Hadith Master, jurist, Sufi, philologist, and historian, who authored works in virtually every Islamic science. A giant among contemporary scholars, he produced a sustained output of scholarly writings until his death at the age of sixty-two. He was buried in Hawsh Qawsun in Cairo.


Clarity Amidst Confusion (On the) Effect of Magic on the Prophet

Mohammad Jamili


About The Book Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah have, historically, been accused of utilizing weak narrations for their stances; but these assertions have been emphatically refuted, time and again, until the present time. However, we are now experiencing an age where sound narrations, specifically from the two Sahih collections of Imams Bukhari and Muslim, have been brought under scrutiny by certain individuals based on whims and cultural issues. There is no problem in such occurrences when the critique is raised by someone who is an expert in the field and raises issues that are acceptable in the science - such as Imam ad-Daraqutni, may Allah have mercy on him, even though his contentions have been refuted. Today, many of the points raised against these sound narrations are not acceptable according to the standards of the science. Rather, they are merely conjectures posed with little insight into the standards necessary to even raise an objection. Therefore, it is extremely important for the Muslim to be cautious and not fooled by so-called “intellectual” or “scientific” conjectures that are raised against the religion and are not in accordance with the method and practice of the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. – Excerpt taken from the book. Contents: Acknowledgements    7 Transliteration Table      8 Introduction    9 Bukhari and Muslim    13 The Narration of Two Parties Separating after a Transaction   14 Magic    21 Is Magic Real?    23 The Ruling on Magic     28 Hadith of Labid b. al - A'sam   31 The narrators of the hadith    37 Some of the general comments regarding the hadith    39 Abu Bakr al-Jassas   43 Undermining Prophethood    47 Demons Cannot Harm Prophets    59 Moses and the Magicians of Pharaoh    61 A Magician will Never be Successful    65 A Prophet cannot be Bewitched     69 Ahad and Matawatirah    75 Surat al Falaq     81 Abu Mansur al Maturidi    85 Conclusion   91 Bibliography   93

O Humankind: Surah Ya-Sin
Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur’an: A Translation of Asrar Tartib al-Quran
Clarity Amidst Confusion (On the) Effect of Magic on the Prophet
Barakatu Makkiyya: The Meccan Blessings
Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah
The Fiqh of Fasting: An English Explanation of Kitab al-Siyam from BaFadl’s al-Muqaddimah al-Hadramiyyah
Al-Salawat Al-Jafariyyah: The Jafari Salutations regarding the Prayer on the Best of Creationﷺ (Bilingual Edition)
On Prayers Upon the Prophet (Gems from the Shifa)
The Endless Banquet: Volume 2
The Honored One: Allah’s Praise of His Beloved ﷺ - Gems from ‘The Shifa’
The Life of the Prophets in their Graves
The Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Jafari: Arabic Only (Pocket Edition)
O Humankind: Surah Ya-Sin

O Humankind: Surah Ya-Sin

Cemalnur Sargut

About The Book Muhammad summarized Chapter Ya-Sin with the following noble hadith: “Everything has a heart. The heart of the Quran is Chapter Ya-Sin.” If we think of this universe as an embodiment of the Quran’s meaning, the perfect human beings (al-Insan al-Kamil) described in Chapter Ya-Sin are the heart of this body. As they assume the character traits of the Prophet, they give life to the dead bodies with these character traits.   “O Humankind” is an elaborate commentary on the Chapter Ya-Sin, the heart of the Quran, about the inner meanings of each of its verses. Compiled by Cemalnur Sargut, the book is a reference that draws on various tafsir works and the commentaries of the perfect human beings.   The great Quran commentary tradition shows us how Muslims have understood their religion over time. The tradition is found here in a selection ranging over ten centuries of commentary on chapter Ya Sin, known as “the heart of the Quran.”   About The Author   As a female Sufi teacher, Cemalnur Sargut commands a loyal and active worldwide following, especially in Turkey. Her career as a scholar and Sufi leader represents an important case study in the dynamics of contemporary global Sufism. This volume represents the first text in English translation that brings together some of her major discourses and teachings as presented to her students through the genre of oral discourses.   More specifically, the discourses that form the core of this book were collected through oral interviews with Cemalnur conducted by her students as part of a weekly program. Victoria Rowe Holbrook teaches philosophy in the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Bilgi University. She is a graduate of Harvard and Princeton and a Mellon Fellow. She founded the program in Ottoman and Modern Turkish Literary and Cultural studies at the Ohio State University.   She is the author of The Unreadable Shores of Love: Turkish Modernity and Mystic Romance, dozens of articles on literature and philosophy, and translations including The White Castle by Nobel winner Orhan Pamuk, Beauty and Love by Seyh Galip, and Commentary on the Spiritual Couplets of Mevlana Rumi by Kenan Rifai.


Barakatu Makkiyya: The Meccan Blessings

Barakatu Makkiyya: The Meccan Blessings

Moulana Musa al-Ruhani al-Bazi

About The Book Barakatu Makkiyyah (The Meccan Blessings), by a great Pakistani scholar of recent times, Moulana Musa Ruhani Bazi, which contains 805 sacred names of Rasulullah ﷺ each surrounded by salawat.


Al-Salawat Al-Jafariyyah: The Jafari Salutations regarding the Prayer on the Best of Creationﷺ (Bilingual Edition)

Al-Salawat Al-Jafariyyah: The Jafari Salutations regarding the Prayer on the Best of Creationﷺ (Bilingual Edition)

Shaykh Salih al-Jafari

About The Book This text is a collection of approximately 400 unique salawat composed by Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari. Similar to the famous Dala'il al-Khayrat of Imam al-Jazuli, the text is arranged into seven chapters, with one chapter for each day of the week. However, rather than a collection of traditional salawat like the Dala’il, the Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari is an original text reflecting the knowledge, insight, and outpourings of the Shaykh. This new bilingual edition contains an English transliteration and translation of each salawat with voweled Arabic text, to allow English-speaking readers to better understand the meanings of these extraordinary prayers. The foreword to this edition is also in English. Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari was a master of the sacred sciences, and one of the most respected scholars of the Ahl al-Sunnah w'al Jama'at of his generation. However, although he served as Imam of al-Azhar for many years, he is perhaps better known in the West today as one of the the foremost Arabic poets of the past century. These salawat are extremely beautiful, and the reader cannot help but notice their extreme beauty and eloquence. Even those who read Arabic at a beginner-level will benefit, while those who read and speak Arabic fluently will perceive many subtleties of the text’s language, composition, and meanings. Throughout Egypt, Sudan, east Africa, southeast Asia, and elsewhere, thousands of people recite each day's portion of the Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari consistently. These salawat have continued to become ever more widely known and more beloved in the years since the Shaykh death, may God have mercy on him. It's possible to imagine that, in time, the Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari may become as famous and widely known as Imam al-Jazuli's collection.


The Honored One: Allah’s Praise of His Beloved ﷺ - Gems from ‘The Shifa’

The Honored One: Allah’s Praise of His Beloved ﷺ - Gems from ‘The Shifa’

Qadi Iyad

About The Book From the work, "Any person who has had any engagement with the topic at hand, or possesses the slightest degree of understanding, will be aware of the great esteem in which Allah Exalted holds our Prophet ﷺ. He singled him out for virtues and qualities too numerous to quantify, and any attempt to do so would exhaust tongues and pens. We can glimpse the honouring of the Almighty for His Prophet ﷺ from that which is stated in His Book, that which He informs us of his elevated positions, and that which He praises of his character. He encourages His slaves to hold tight to the way of the Prophet ﷺ and to join him in obeying His Commands. Allah ﷻ is the One who favoured His Prophet ﷺ [above all creation], then purified him, then praised him on account of that, and finally rewarded him with the greatest reward. To Him belongs Grace in beginning and returning, and to Him belongs Praise and Gratitude in this world and the next. He presented His Prophet ﷺ to His creation in the most complete and perfect form, and distinguished him with beautiful characteristics and a praiseworthy manner. He had a noble way and was blessed with innumerable virtues. Furthermore, Allah Exalted supported him with the ability to perform astounding miracles and deliver irrefutable signs. These were witnessed by his contemporaries and Companions and their knowledge was passed down to those who came after them, until the understanding of this reality reached us and we were overwhelmed with his light. May the abundant praise and salutations of Allah be upon our Prophet ﷺ."Al-Shifa bi Taʿrīf Ḥuquq al-Mustafa, directly translated as, ‘The Remedy (or Cure) Through Recognizing the Rights of the Chosen One’, is one of the most celebrated works in the genre of Shama’il. It stands uniquely amongst the works of Qadi Iyad as his most celebrated effort with many surviving manuscripts and commentaries found throughout the Islamic world. Shama’il is a genre of works that deals with the life, characteristics, and descriptions of the Prophet ﷺ and his station. Al-Shifa, as it is called for short, stands alone as perhaps the most thorough work in this genre, dealing with both the descriptions of the Prophet ﷺ, his station and his perfections, and with the rulings pertaining to one’s belief and treatment of him ﷺ. It is exhaustive in its treatment of the subject, expounding on topics that range from Allah’s praise of the Prophet ﷺ and his status and station before Him, to the obligation of loving him and what that entails. In short, the uniqueness of this work can be attributed to its holistic coverage of the Messenger ﷺ.


Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur’an: A Translation of Asrar Tartib al-Quran

Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur’an: A Translation of Asrar Tartib al-Quran

Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti

About The Book Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur'an contains Imam al-Suyuti's unique exploration into the structure of the Book of Allah, and specifically the sequence of its chapters in its complete form, at the conclusion of its revelation to Allah's Final Messenger ﷺ. A consummate master of the Qur'anic sciences, Imam al-Suyuti delves deep into the various reasons behind the order of the chapters (Surahs) in the Qur'an, revealing layers of meaning and intricate interconnections across many levels of language, meanings, context, purpose, and more. On the effort and research invested in this work, the al-Suyuti writes: “…since few people have spoken on… this subject, the majority of this text is the result of my own contemplation and borne of my own investigation. However, if I do mention something that someone else has said, I explicitly mention its source, and I only mention that which is accepted, which no one has rejected.” In this sense, this text feels quite personal, as it provides a glimpse into Imam's immense knowledge and capacious intellect. Imam al-Suyuti's superlative scholarship is unmistakable, as he draws on his knowledge Hadith, Tafsir, history, and the Arabic language to make an extraordinary range of connections and insights. However, despite the obvious brilliance of its author, this work is also easily accessible to readers of all levels. It is meticulously organized to present a coherent flow of ideas and insight, that allows even beginning students to find benefit. The Surahs of the Qur'an are discussed in order, chapter by chapter, with the chapters themselves maintaining a consistent structure. Imam al-Suyuti provides detailed commentary on the placement of each Surah in relation to what comes before it and what will come after it, and what deeper meanings this particular arrangement might signify. His commentary is rich with references to Hadith, historical contexts, and linguistic analyses. Al-Suyuti also frequently quote the opinions and insights of great scholars of earlier generations, adding depth to the text, and situating his own analyses within the vast corpus of scholarship that came before him. One of the most striking features of this book is Imam al-Suyuti's method of reflection. He does not merely present facts or traditional interpretations, but also engages in a deep, contemplative analysis that unveils some of the hidden wisdom within the Qur'an's structure. This approach is both scholarly and spiritual, making the work a gem of a read for all. The Imam’s reflections are presented in a manner that invites readers to join him in this contemplative journey, offering a personal and immersive experience of understanding the Qur'an. Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur'an is a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Allah's Final Revelation, and will be an invaluable resource for readers, students of Islamic studies, and anyone interested in understanding the Qur'an on a deeper level. Talut Dawood's translation is fluid, faithful to the original text, and retains the depth and subtleties of Imam al-Suyuti's reflections, making Imam al-Suyuti's profound insights accessible to a broader English-speaking audience. This bilingual edition features the original Arabic text and translation in parallel, allowing students who read Arabic to peruse the source text alongside the English. About The Author Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, also known as Ibn al-Suyuti, was a mujtahid imam and reformer of the tenth Islamic century. He was a prominent Hadith Master, jurist, Sufi, philologist, and historian, who authored works in virtually every Islamic science. A giant among contemporary scholars, he produced a sustained output of scholarly writings until his death at the age of sixty-two. He was buried in Hawsh Qawsun in Cairo.


Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah

Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah

Muhammad Ibn Alawi al-Maliki

About The Book In a world increasingly driven by materialism and immediate gratification, Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah offers a glimpse into the divine promise that awaits the faithful. This beautiful work by Sayyid Muhammad b. 'Alawi al-Maliki, translated into English by Shaykh Ahmad Shaist, unveils the Islamic vision of Jannah, a realm beyond human imagination. By compiling the numerous vivid descriptions of Jannah in the Qur'an and Hadith, this text brings the reader on a profound journey, which instills hope and provides both solace and much-needed perspective. In his inimitable style, the late Sayyid weaves together the different descriptions and discusses them both as reality and as metaphors for spiritual fulfillment and eternal closeness to Allah, providing a nuanced understanding of the afterlife that transcends literal interpretations. "What No Eye Has Seen," or as rendered in this translation, “Heaven Explored”, is a compelling read for anyone interested in acquainting themselves with the nature of Jannah for the believers. This book is more than an academic treatise; it is a journey towards understanding the divine promise that lies at the heart of a believer’s journey to Allah – the promise of a Paradise beyond the limits of human imagination, meeting the Beloved of Allah ﷺ by the Pond, and seeing Allah, the Exalted. Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah goes beyond theological exploration, presenting Paradise as both a future abode and a guiding principle for living a righteous, purposeful life. In this edition, Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki’s insights are brought to life through Shaykh Ahmad Shaist's meticulous translation, making the work accessible to a global English-speaking audience. As Sayyid Zain al-Haddad and Shaykh Musab Penfound write in the foreword, this work is "a beacon for those seeking to comprehend the profound mysteries of the Hereafter"


On Prayers Upon the Prophet (Gems from the Shifa)

On Prayers Upon the Prophet (Gems from the Shifa)

Qadi Iyad

About The Book Prayers upon the Prophet ﷺ are among the most important devotions by which the devout have approached Allah. Due to this, many scholars have written treatises and even books on its rulings and merits. It is also for that reason that Qadi Iyad devoted to it a section of his celebrated work, al-Shifa. While the section is short, it provides a valuable entry into such literature, distilling rules and benefits for the seeker in brief expressions and beneficial narrations. We selected this section for quick study and review, which will serve both the busy student and the working professional on the go. Al-Shifa bi Taʿrif Ḥuquq al-Mustafa, directly translated as, ‘The Remedy (or Cure) Through Recognizing the Rights of the Chosen One’, is one of the most celebrated works in the genre of Shama'il. It stands uniquely amongst the works of Qadi Iyad as his most celebrated effort with many surviving manuscripts and commentaries found throughout the Islamic world. Shama'il is a genre of works that deals with the life, characteristics, and descriptions of the Prophet ﷺ and his station. Al-Shifa, as it is called for short, stands alone as perhaps the most thorough work in this genre, dealing with both the descriptions of the Prophet ﷺ, his station and his perfections, and with the rulings pertaining to one’s belief and treatment of him ﷺ. It is exhaustive in its treatment of the subject, expounding on topics that range from Allah’s praise of the Prophet ﷺ and his status and station before Him, to the obligation of loving him and what that entails. In short, the uniqueness of this work can be attributed to its holistic coverage of the Messenger ﷺ.


The Life of the Prophets in their Graves

The Life of the Prophets in their Graves

Muhammad Ibn Alawi al-Maliki

About The Book This short treatise discusses the reality of the life of the Prophets, may Peace be upon them all, after their deaths in this world. Drawing on rigorous proofs from the Qur’an and authentic Hadith, Sayyid Muhammad ‘Alawi al-Maliki makes clear the miraculous nature of the life of the Prophets in the Barzakh, and addresses several harmful misconceptions that have become prevalent among the Ummah today regarding these matters. The chapters of this book include: His عز و جل saying {Verily You Shall Die} (39:30) The Isthmus-Life of the Prophets: Proof-Texts Commentary and Further Proof-Texts The Special Life of Our Prophet ﷺ The Prophet ﷺ Answers Whoever Calls Him The Sending of Salam by Courier to the Prophet ﷺ Salam and Adhan Heard from the Noble Grave Chapters 2-7 include 25 proofs taken from the Qur’an and from Sahih Hadith. These are followed by over 50 footnotes with further discussion of these narrations, and a comprehensive bibliography of over 100 classical works that served as source texts for this treatise. In the words of the author, the meticulous proofs within this book will “provide healing, Allah willing, for anyone in whose heart there is sickness.”


Clarity Amidst Confusion (On the) Effect of Magic on the Prophet

Clarity Amidst Confusion (On the) Effect of Magic on the Prophet

Mohammad Jamili

About The Book Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah have, historically, been accused of utilizing weak narrations for their stances; but these assertions have been emphatically refuted, time and again, until the present time. However, we are now experiencing an age where sound narrations, specifically from the two Sahih collections of Imams Bukhari and Muslim, have been brought under scrutiny by certain individuals based on whims and cultural issues. There is no problem in such occurrences when the critique is raised by someone who is an expert in the field and raises issues that are acceptable in the science - such as Imam ad-Daraqutni, may Allah have mercy on him, even though his contentions have been refuted. Today, many of the points raised against these sound narrations are not acceptable according to the standards of the science. Rather, they are merely conjectures posed with little insight into the standards necessary to even raise an objection. Therefore, it is extremely important for the Muslim to be cautious and not fooled by so-called “intellectual” or “scientific” conjectures that are raised against the religion and are not in accordance with the method and practice of the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. – Excerpt taken from the book. Contents: Acknowledgements    7 Transliteration Table      8 Introduction    9 Bukhari and Muslim    13 The Narration of Two Parties Separating after a Transaction   14 Magic    21 Is Magic Real?    23 The Ruling on Magic     28 Hadith of Labid b. al - A'sam   31 The narrators of the hadith    37 Some of the general comments regarding the hadith    39 Abu Bakr al-Jassas   43 Undermining Prophethood    47 Demons Cannot Harm Prophets    59 Moses and the Magicians of Pharaoh    61 A Magician will Never be Successful    65 A Prophet cannot be Bewitched     69 Ahad and Matawatirah    75 Surat al Falaq     81 Abu Mansur al Maturidi    85 Conclusion   91 Bibliography   93


The Fiqh of Fasting: An English Explanation of Kitab al-Siyam from BaFadl’s al-Muqaddimah al-Hadramiyyah

The Fiqh of Fasting: An English Explanation of Kitab al-Siyam from BaFadl’s al-Muqaddimah al-Hadramiyyah

Abd Allah b. Abd al-Rahman BaFadl al-Hadrami

About The Book Fasting is one of Islam’s five pillars, and thus, it is a very significant devotional act in the life of every Muslim. Once a year, the Muslims who are able observe this sacred duty. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is an act by which its correct performance draws one near to the Creator, the Almighty Lord of the Worlds. Knowing how to perform this ritual is of utmost importance. The Fiqh of Fasting is an explanation of Kitab al-Siyam from ‘Abd Allah b. 'Abd al-Rahman BaFadl's Masa'il al-Ta'lim. This book brings forth some of the most important legal issues on the topic of fasting. The explanation takes from the Shafi'i Madhhab's relied-upon reference works, such as Ibn Hajar’s Tuhfah, Ramli’s Nihayah, and others. Along with citing from the fiqh books, many source evidences are presented. The Muqaddimah Al-Hadramiyyah of al-Imam 'Abd-Allah Ibn 'Abd-al-Rahman BaFadl al-Hadrami (d. 918 H) is a summary of the essentials of worship according to the Shafi'i Fiqh. The Muqaddimah provides the student with further rulings and scenarios extending on those encountered in previous text such as Mukhtasar al-Latif and Matn Abi Shuja'.  This book features typeset in Linotype’s Century Expanded, and the Arabic is in Lotus. It is printed on premium white FSC accredited paper.


The Endless Banquet: Volume 2

The Endless Banquet: Volume 2

Hamzah Abdul-Malik

About The Book The Endless Banquet (Volume Two) is the second part of Shaykh Hamzah Abdul Malik’s reading guide to help the average person understand the broader meanings of the Qur’an. This book picks up where The Endless Banquet (Volume I) left off, and explains each Surah of the middle third of the Qur’an by grouping its ayat together according to shared themes, to help you study its fundamental meanings and their connections with one another. It is followed by The Endless Banquet (Volume III), which covers Juz 21-30.  The Endless Banquet (Volume Two) will help you discover: Juz 11 to 20 The benefits of the Qur’an’s repetition of certain phrases, & stories, albeit with different variations & details The wisdom of ayat shift from discussions of law to stories, to theological arguments, to descriptions of heaven and hell Connections between each Surah The wisdom & significance in the order of the Surahs How each Juz is divided upon overarching themes The context in which certain ayat were revealed & why these verses are still relevant today The Endless Banquet is designed to help you develop a deeper appreciation for the Qur’an - especially the parts which most people don’t ordinarily read. This will increase your sense of wonder and awe at the Qur’an, so that you may seek to learn more, and be inspired to ask new questions about Allah’s final revelation. As you become more familiar with its subtleties, your personal relationship with the Qur’an will naturally grow stronger, if Allah wills. Each chapter of The Endless Banquet covers one Juz. Written in easy-to-understand language, this book aims to inspire a new generation of readers of the Qur’an, among Muslims who are comfortable reading and speaking English. The Endless Banquet was written in the hope that the Qur’an may open the hearts of all who read it, and to help you become inspired by its meanings, its relevance to the present day, and its connections to the human condition and to your own life. The Endless Banquet will help you to rekindle your love for the Qur’an, if Allah wills.


The Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Jafari: Arabic Only (Pocket Edition)

The Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Jafari: Arabic Only (Pocket Edition)

Shaykh Salih al-Jafari

About The Book This text is a collection of approximately 400 unique salawat composed by Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari. Similar to the famous Dala'il al-Khayrat of Imam al-Jazuli, the text is arranged into seven chapters, with one chapter for each day of the week. However, rather than a collection of traditional salawat like the Dala’il, the Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari is an original text reflecting the knowledge, insight, and outpourings of the Shaykh. Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari was a master of the sacred sciences, and one of the most respected scholars of the Ahl al-Sunnah w'al Jama'at of his generation. However, although he served as rector of al-Azhar for many years, he is perhaps better known in the West today as one of the the foremost Arabic poets of the past century. These salawat are extremely beautiful, and the reader cannot help but notice their extreme beauty and eloquence. Even those who read Arabic at a beginner-level will benefit, while those who read and speak Arabic fluently will perceive many subtleties of the text’s language, composition, and meanings. Throughout Egypt, Sudan, east Africa, southeast Asia, and elsewhere, thousands of people recite each day's portion of the Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari consistently. These salawat have continued to become ever more widely known and more beloved in the years since the Shaykh death, may God have mercy on him. It's possible to imagine that, in time, the Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari may become as famous and widely known as Imam al-Jazuli's Dala’il. This compact and durable pocket edition of The Salawat of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari is designed to be carried everywhere, and will be especially useful for those who intend to read the salawat regularly or daily. Contains the same text as the beautifully adorned illuminated leather PU edition.


The Quran Beheld: An English Translation From The Arabic

The Quran Beheld: An English Translation From The Arabic

About The Book This work solves an enigma that has puzzled many readers first coming to Islam through English translations of the Quran. The Arabic original stunned hearers in their own language with its unutterable evocative power, incisive arguments, the sharp relief of its contrasts, striking imagery, and precise detail. Most translations stun few. They seem somehow out of focus, vague, the thread of discourse is often inexplicably lost, and they are seldom moving or powerful. The present work is called The Quran Beheld because its translator found that the classical Islamic curriculum for learning the Quranic sciences lifts the veil from the divine masterpiece like stepping from a dark and silent house into a lively spring day outside. Everything changes. A preface outlines the Quran’s continued relevance for readers today. An introduction describes the time-honored Quranic teaching paradigm and interpretive method of talaqqi, ‘one-on-one instruction,’ by which the translator studied the Quran with a traditional scholar in Jordan during the fifteen years of the work. The two went word by word through the Quran together twice, in the light of its greatest exegetes, the Imams of Quranic exegesis or tafsir, which literally means ‘uncovering’—men such as Tabari, Zamakhshari, Abu Su‘ud, Ibn ‘Ashur, Biqa‘i, Razi, Alusi, and others. The introduction explains seven key areas of meaning, ubiquitous throughout the Quran, not incorporated by any previous translation. Such gaps have prevented serious apprehension of many of the themes, logic, and arguments that carry the message of the Quran’s suras forward. Readers may judge for themselves how much this matters. The English of the translation faces the Arabic original, and is preceded by a section setting forth the main themes of the Quran, sura by sura. About The Author Shaykh NUH HA MIM KELLER was born in eastern Washington State in 1954. He read philosophy at Gonzaga University, the University of Chicago, and UCLA, entered Islam in 1977 at al-Azhar in Cairo, and moved to Jordan in 1980. A scholar of traditional Islamic sciences who studied with sheikhs in Jordan and Syria, he has produced such works as Reliance of the Traveller, Sea Without Shore, and the Chain of Gold edition of Dala’il al-Khayrat. He is a senior fellow at the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought.     For more details please visit the Quran Beheld Website.  


Towards Sacred Activism

Towards Sacred Activism

Dawud Walid

About The Book Towards Sacred Activism is an attempt at providing concise, general guidance to Muslims in the West regarding engagement in social justice activism from an Islamic perspective. I do not profess that the brief contents within are the sole authority on this issue, nor do I believe that this work should go un-critiqued.  It is but an attempt to present some general parameters and reminders based upon fundamental aspects of Islam drawn from our rich tradition which focus on building and supporting model life for all of Allah’s creation, humans being the priority.   "This work by Imam Dawud Walid, Towards Sacred Activism, is a very valuable addition to the ever growing library of English Islamic literature. The title itself, however, seems to hint at an oxymoron. After all, activism, as usually understood, implies a passionate, engulfing engagement with the world, while the sacred implies that which is of or related to God, who is, in many critical aspects, distinct from the world. This seeming contradiction only exists when we view the world through the dichotomized lens provided us by the modern West. As more and more Muslims adopt that lens as part of their effort to both understand and engage the modern world, the gap between the religious scholar, viewed by many as the principal defender and preserver of the sacred in the world, and the activist, grows wider." - Imam Zaid Shakir, Zaytuna College   About The Author Dawud Walid is an imam in the Metropolitan Detroit area and is a senior fellow at the Auburn Seminary based in New York City. He is also co-author of the previously released book entitled “Centering Black Narrative: Black Muslim Nobles Among the Early Pious Muslims."   ​


Muhammad His Character and Beauty : Wasa'il Al-wusul Ila Shama'il  al-rasul

Muhammad His Character and Beauty : Wasa'il Al-wusul Ila Shama'il al-rasul

Yusuf Al-Nabhani

About The Book   Wasa'il al-Wusul ila Shama'il al-Rasul, is the outstanding work that focuses on the inward and outward characteristics of the Beloved Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, from his lineage to his physical stature, to his noble attributes.    The seminal study into the life of the Prophet by legendary scholar Shaykh al-Nabahani. The aim of this study is not just mere historical knowledge.  Author seeks to delve deeper to help draw us closer to the Prophet and attain spiritual well-being through reverence and remembrance of his saintly qualities. The result is an accessible read that weaves erudite scholarship with the love of a mystic.  About The Author ​ Imam Yusuf b. Isma‘il al-Nabahani, may Allah have mercy upon him, (1265–1350 AH), hadith scholar, Sufi, jurist, judge, and biographer, was born in Beirut, Lebanon. A prolific author, al-Nabahani left behind a staggering collection of works in hadith, fiqh, theology, and most famously, poetry and prose in praise of our master Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Al-Nabahani was a paragon of prophetic love (‘ishq) and his works continue to exercise a profound influence on popular Muslim spirituality.


The Book of Wisdoms : Kitab al-Hikam with Ikmal al-Shiyam

The Book of Wisdoms : Kitab al-Hikam with Ikmal al-Shiyam

Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari & Abdullah Gangohi

About The Book Muslim religious life not only consists of belief in orthodox tenets of faith and a determined effort to follow the Sacred Law, it also requires one to scale the heights of the spiritual path. The Kitab al-Hikam of Shaykh Ibn ‘Ata’illah al-Iskandari is the inspiring explanation of the soul’s journey through this life, as determined through the Qur’an and Sunna. Along with his treatises and intimate discourses (munajat), the substantive feature of the work is the author’s 264 spiritual aphorisms (hikam)­—concise, comprehensive and sublime sayings on self purification (tazkiya), and guidelines to help strengthen the relationship between humans and their Lord. These aphorisms, which have never failed to inspire, are presented in this edition according to the systematic arrangement of the great Indian scholar Shaykh ‘Ali Muttaqi (d. 975/1567), together with the indispensable commentary of the twentieth-century sage Shaykh ‘Abdullah Gangohi. About The Authors Shaykh Ibn ‘Ata’illah al-Iskandari (d. 709/1309) lived in Egypt during the reign of the Mamluks. Originally from Alexandria, he moved to Cairo, where his professional life involved teaching Sacred Law in various institutions including the Al-Azhar Mosque. He also led a concurrent existence as a Master for disciples of Islamic spirituality. The Hikam is his principal work, one that has attracted universal approval from his own time up to the present day. Shaykh ‘Abdullah Gangohi (d. 1329/1921) was a teacher in various seminaries in the Indian Sub-Continent, during an era of great academic and spiritual achievement in the region. His main area of expertise was Arabic language, and some of his works have become part of the core syllabus in ­numerous seminaries. He took the spiritual path from the famous hadith scholar and sufi master Mawlana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri (d. 1346/1927), who instructed him to write this commentary and eventually made him a master of the path in his own right. About The Translator Victor Danner (d. 1410/1990) was an American academic noted for his beautiful translation of the Hikam. He taught various subjects, including Arabic Language, Classical Arabic Literature, and Sufism, at Indiana University. ​


Ascent to Felicity (Maraqi 'lSa'adat) White Thread Press

Ascent to Felicity (Maraqi 'lSa'adat)


About The Book Written by the eminent 11th century Hanafi scholar, Abu ’l-Ikhlas al-Shurunbulali, Ascent to Felicity is a concise yet comprehensive primer in creed and jurisprudence. It spans all five pillars of Islam, as well as the topics of slaughtering, ritual sacrifice, and hunting. To supplement the text, the translator has added key explanatory notes taken from several reliable works on theology and jurisprudence. He has also added appendices that comprise numerous supplications related to the five pillars, presented in Arabic script along with English transliteration, as well as the etiquette of visiting the Messenger of Allāh (Allah bless him peace) in Madina. “An admirable rendering into lucid, fluid English of Imam Hasan al-Shurunbulali’s primer of Hanafi law, Ascent to Felicity. This concise but thorough work focuses on the five acts of worship. The book has the added feature of a fairly detailed presentation of the basics of the Muslim Creed. In translating this introductory section of Imam Shurunbulali’s treatise, Khan’s skill as a translator is on full display, as he has made sometimes involved theological concepts easily accessible to the average English reader. Khan has provided an additional service to both Shurunbulali’s work and to contemporary Muslims by augmenting the translation with insightful and extremely useful explanatory notes. The value of this work, skillfully produced by White Thread Press, goes far beyond its benefit to adherents of the Hanafi legal school. Rather, it will prove of benefit to Muslims in general as well as researchers interested in latter-day presentations of the creed andpractice of Sunni Muslims.” — Imam Zaid Shakir Co-Founder and Resident Scholar, Zaytuna College “This book is an important contribution to the growing, but still small, corpus of traditional Islamic texts available in English translation.” — Dr Ingrid Mattson President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) “Essential for any student of the Hanafī School. . . makes key concepts of the Hanafi school easily accessible to teachers, students, and readers.”— Dr. Ashraf Muneeb Dean of Academy, “An excellent primer in Islamic beliefs and worship. . . more useful as a first complete text for those seeking understanding of the fiqh of worship than the more commonly-studied Nur al-Idah.” —Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Educational Director, “Aside from the flowing translation, the most impressive thing about this work for me is the comprehensive collection of nuanced notes. These serve to capture the wide range of issues one grapples with, but might never find the right answer to, in the process of his or her purification, prayer, fasting and other acts of worship. An extremely engaging and educational read.” — Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Scholar,


Allah: An Explanation of the Divine Names and Attributes

Allah: An Explanation of the Divine Names and Attributes

Ahmad ibn Ajiba

About The Book The purpose of our creation, as Allah tells us in the Qur'an, is worship: "And I have not created jinn or mankind except to worship Me." (51:56) The Companion 'Abdullah Ibn 'Abbas , the preeminent exegete for whom the Prophet Muhammad s prayed "O Allah, teach him the interpretation of the Scripture," said about this verse, "Except to worship me means: Except to know Me." To endeavor to know Allah is to fulfill the very purpose of our existence, and to know Him is to know His beautiful names, attributes, and acts. In this work, taken from his large exegesis of Sura al-Fatiha, Ibn 'Ajiba details the meanings of Allah's Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names (al-Asma' al-Husna) and shows readers how to come closer to Allah through the three-fold path of connection, inculcation, and realization: to connect to each of the divine names; to inculcate their meanings in ethics and character; and to attain realization of them, beyond repetition, rote memory, or theoretical discussion. In this commentary, readers can get a glimpse of the transformative power of knowing the Creator through His Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names, about which the Prophet Muhammad s has said, "To Allah belongs ninety-nine names; whosoever enumerates them fully shall enter the Garden." - (al-Bukhari)


A Thinking Person’s Guide to Islam : The Essence of Islam in 12 Verses from the Qur’an

A Thinking Person’s Guide to Islam : The Essence of Islam in 12 Verses from the Qur’an

Prince Ghazi Bin Muhammad

About The Book The world is at a crossroads today. A tiny minority of Muslims seems to be bent on hijacking the religion of Islam and bringing it into perpetual conflict with the rest of the world. Because of their actions, very few non-Muslims understand the real difference between Islam as it has always been, and the distorted perversions of Islam today. This book is an attempt to positively say what Islam actually is—and always was—as well as what it is not. About The Author H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal of Jordan (b. 1966 CE) was educated at Harrow School, UK; received his BA Summa cum Laude from Princeton University, NJ, USA; his first PhD from Trinity College, Cambridge University, UK, and his second PhD from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. He is a Professor of Islamic Philosophy and his book Love in the Holy Qur’an has been widely acclaimed, has gone into ten editions and has been translated into a number of languages. He also serves as Chief Advisor for Religious and Cultural Affairs to H.M. King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein of Jordan. This title has been jointly published by White Thread Press & Turath Publishing.  The hardcover includes a  annex on the Crisis of ISIS. ​----------------------- ​ Reviews:   “Lucid in its explanations, unassailable in its logic; a book of the moment; simply spot on.” —H.E. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, The Sultan of Sokoto, Nigeria “Easy to read, easy to understand and easy to swallow and digest. It very beautifully explains what Islam really is, how it is explained in its sacred texts, and how it has been understood throughout centuries by the overwhelming majority of Muslims.” —Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani “A very much needed book, comprehensive, yet concise, easy to read, and authoritative. A must-read book.” —Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi “A salient account of a mighty faith drawn in deft strokes by an insider. Edifying, broad, and stimulating.” —Shaykh Nuh Keller “Much anxiety comes from not properly understanding what others think or believe. One example today is the widespread misunderstanding of Islam. So when a respected scholar of Islamic philosophy such as Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad writes A Thinking Person’s Guide to Islam, it is of global significance. I welcome the publication of this book, convinced that interested readers will find much in it to inspire them and set their minds at rest.” —H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso “A most authentic presentation of Islam in its contemporary context.” —Professor M. Hashim Kamali, IAIS, Malaysia “Exceptionally lucid in explanation, deeply scholarly and yet accessible on a popular level, this is an essential book for Muslims and non-Muslims alike at this time in our civilization.” —Revd Canon Professor Paul S. Fiddes, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Oxford “A concise, luminously clear, and highly readable explanation of Islam from the pen one of its best educated and most influential advocates.” —Professor Miroslav Volf, Yale University Divinity School “A brilliant summa of Islam. It is exactly what is needed today for both Muslims and non-Muslims confused by headline grabbing terrorists claiming to represent Islam.” —Professor Tamara Sonn, Georgetown University “Profoundly rooted in the traditional wisdom of Islam yet also contends with the realities of today, not least because it is bold enough to tackle and name for what it is the perversion of the Muslim faith offered by the group known as Daesh/IS.” —Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches “A witness of what I have called ‘robust moderation’; this witness confronts extremism with God’s love.” —Bishop Dr. Munib Yunan, President of the World Lutheran Federation  


Exemplars for Our Time

Exemplars for Our Time

This unique series profiles the lives of Sayyida Fatima Yashrutia, Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad, Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj, Muzaffer Ozak Efendi, Sidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib, Sufi ‘Abd Allah Khan, Sayyid ‘Umar ‘Abd Allah Mwinyi Baraka, and Shaykh Salih al-Ja‘fari. Biographers include Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Dr. Mostafa al-Badawi, Shems Friedlander, Dr. Karim Lahham, Dr. Samer Dajani, and Michael Sugich. Each book is beautifully illustrated with the photography of Peter Sanders, Shems Friedlander, and others, as well as rare images from the lives and times of these great souls. Discover stories and rare images from the lives and times of these great souls Internationally acclaimed photographer Peter Sanders (Meetings with Mountains, The Art of Integration, In the Shade of a Tree) and popular author Michael Sugich (Signs on the Horizons, Hearts Turn) have joined forces to produce Exemplars for Our Time, a deluxe limited edition nine-book box set of illustrated biographies of some of the most influential and inspiring Muslim saints and sages in our time. Volume One: The Luminous Virtues of the Sages of Islam Series editor and author Michael Sugich takes a fascinating and richly detailed journey into the world of sainthood in Islam; a subject that is mystifying to many Muslims today. His penetrating exploration makes the case that the friends of God – the saints – are, and always have been, the true Muslim role models. And while they seem to have disappeared in modern times, they are in fact hiding in plain sight. Volume Two: Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj, by Hamza YusufAscetic scholar-saint Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj would almost certainly have lived out his life in complete obscurity in the remote deserts of Mauritania had a young Hamza Yusuf not been guided in a dream to visit him, live in his tent, and learn at his feet. Sheykh Hamza authors this intimate and moving biography of one of the hidden treasures of our time, illustrated by the unique photography of Peter Sanders. Volume Three: Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad, by Mostafa al-Badawi Considered in his lifetime as one of the greatest saints of Islam, Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad’s compassionate teaching of traditional Islam had a profound influence on generations of followers and students including Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Dr Umar Faruq Abd-Allah and Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad. Another former student, Dr Mostafa Badawi, writes this beautiful account of the scholar-sage, having dedicated his life to translating and interpreting his teachings. Volume Four: Sayyida Fatima Yashrutia: Daughter of Akka, by Dr. Karim LahhamDr. Karim Lahham brings to life the compelling story of Sayyida Fatima Yashrutia, which spans two tempestuous centuries marked by world wars, the fall of the Ottoman empire, the catastrophe of 1948, and the civil war in Lebanon. The spiritual heir of her father, Sayyid ‘Ali Nurad’din al-Yashruti, Sayydia Fatima devoted her life to knowledge, teaching, prayer and invocation, and remains a beloved spiritual guide whose wisdom and inspiration lives on. Volume Five: Sayyid ‘Umar ‘Abd’Allah: The Blessed One, by Michael Sugich Steeped in traditional studies from early childhood, as well as passing through the prestigious Oxford University, Sayyid ‘Umar ‘Abdullah Mwinyi Baraka was a highly influential East African educator and diplomat and a charismatic interpreter in multiple languages of the tolerance and beauty of Islam. Michael Sugich remembers the ‘ongoing adventure’ of being with his former teacher, and the profound influence he had on many leaders of post-independence East Africa. Volume Six: Muzaffer Ozak Efendi: The Polisher of Hearts, by Shems Friedlander A colourful and charismatic teacher, Muzaffer Ozak Effendi nurtured his students with lively conversation in his bookstore, in cafes across Turkey, on the streets, and in his dervish lodge. A Sufi master, he ventured to America to introduce young seekers to the beauty of Islamic spirituality, and left a vibrant legacy across North America, Europe and the Middle East. Close disciple Shems Friedlander remembers his life and teachings, accompanied by unique photographs by the author. Volume Seven: Shaykh Saleh al-Ja’fari, by Dr. Samer Dajani For 30 years, Shaykh Saleh al-Ja’fari lived in a small chamber within Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, where he was the Imam; rarely venturing out other than to make pilgrimage to Makkah, or visit the tombs of saints across Egypt. Dr. Samer Dajani remembers this gifted teacher who became a legend in his own lifetime due to his discourses held every Friday in the courtyard of Al-Azhar Mosque, attracting huge crowds of people from all walks of life. Volume Eight: Sufi ‘Abdullah Khan, by Michael Sugich Leaving his native Pakistan for Birmingham in the UK, Sufi ‘Abdullah Khan’s mission was to bring a spiritual path to the thousands of Pakistani immigrants who had left for England for material gain. Michael Sugich looks back at Sufi’s remarkable tale that took him from a peasant village to the battlefields of North Africa and a Nazi prison camp in Europe, before a daring cross-country escape led him to a living spiritual master, and the start of his real adventure. Volume Nine: Sidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib, by Michael SugichMichael Sugich takes us on an emotional and mesmerising journey back 50 years to the Zawiya of Shaykh Sidi Muhammad Ibn al-Habib in the Moroccan city of Meknes, where he first became affiliated with the great Sufi sage – one of the most influential figures in the North African spiritual tradition in the twentieth century. The volume is illustrated with unique portraits of the Shaykh taken by Peter Sanders, including a previously unpublished photograph.

$270.00 $200.00

The Virtues of Seclusion in Times of Confusion

The Virtues of Seclusion in Times of Confusion

Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi

About The Book The Virtues of Seclusion in Times of Confusion is a timely work about unplugging, physically and virtually, as a viable and sorely needed third option between absolute isolation from society and unrestricted social interaction. In this work that speaks to us and our time, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi brilliantly weaves together the Quranic verses, hadith reports, and counsels of the Salaf concerning self-imposed seclusion and its importance as a protective measure to safeguard our faith and shore up our spiritual defenses in times of strife and confusion (fitna). This seclusion, he tells us, is not about withdrawing completely from society and heading for the hills, but rather sitting things out, keeping busy with personal and familial concerns, minding our business—staying at home. It is a call for taking careful stock of where we are spiritually and assessing where exactly our sphere of influence is and not overextending ourselves to our own detriment and the detriment of our loved ones. “The goal of this book and its fine-tuned translation is to put an exclamation point on the importance of seclusion, and to construct a nuanced and scholarly understanding of the matter. Readers will enjoy, learn, and take examples from the stories of how our predecessors withdrew from societies when they felt their corruption. I pray that this work marks the beginning of our regular practice of retreat—physically and digitally—in a way that makes us more at peace and thus more effective in bringing positive change to ourselves, our families, and our communities.” —Dr. Shadee Elmasry Contents: Translator’s Preface Foreword by Dr. Shadee Elmasry Biography of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi Introduction Chapter 1: On Self-imposed Isolation and Avoidance of People During times of Confusion and Strife Chapter 2: The Legal Dispensation Allowing One to Avoid the “Imams of Fitna” in the Mosques Chapter 3: How the Early Muslims (Salaf) Were During Periods of Corruption Chapter 4: Early Imams Who Withdrew from Society Appendices Appendix I: Selected Narrations from Ibn Abi al-Dunya’s Kitab al-‘Uzla wa al-Infirad (The Book of Withdrawal and Seclusion) Appendix II: Selected Narrations from Ibn Abi al-Dunya’s Kitab al-Tawadu’ wa al-Khumul (The Book of Humility and Obscurity) About The Author Shaykh ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (d. 1143 ah) was a high ranking Hanafi jurist, theologian, and spiritual master in the Ottoman era from Damascus, Syria. He was a gifted and prolific author, and a virtual encyclopedia of Islamic knowledge, who joined the exoteric and esoteric, authoring over 200 book on a variety of sciences. He taught in the renowned Umawi Mosque in Damascus and the Salihiyya Seminary.


Food Between Curse and Cure: Islam, Health, and the Good Life

Food Between Curse and Cure: Islam, Health, and the Good Life

Abu Munir al-Shaar

About The Book Few people exemplify service to the Muslims like Abu Munir, a Syrian man who spent his entire life in service, including the century’s foremost scholars and sages, like Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman as-Shagouri, Sheikh Mustafa at-Turkmani, and Sheikh as-Shukri (May Allah have mercy upon them all), until their very last breath. Amidst war-torn Syrian civil unrest, he fled to Jordan where he would discover his cancer diagnosis of leukemia. While battling leukemia, he was introduced to functional, integrative, and traditional physicians who guided him to an optimal diet and lifestyle, helping his cancer remain in remission. With the intention of benefiting the community (umma) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), he compiled the words and wisdom he obtained into the present book. He and his team of clinicians began seeing patients and, with the will of Allah Most High, they were cured of their chronic diseases: diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, seizures, obesity, and more. Chronic disease is sabotaging our health, and the current medical model is leaving patients sicker than ever on multiple pills with multiple side effects. Patients are depressed with no guidance. The advice provided in this book will cure 90% of medical conditions in the physical realm through addressing the root cause while providing readers the real cure in the spiritual realm through augmenting one's relationship with Allah Most High. A certified physician assistant (PA-C) with a background in the Arabic sciences, the translator researched, compiled, and added upon Abu Munir's work for the western audience, providing a balance of mental, physical, and spiritual health to achieve, in words of the Koran, "the good life" (hayat tayyiba). About The Author Abu Munir is an inheritor of the beautiful Damascan tradition of spirituality and service. He was the companion and personal servant of Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghouri, the renowned Shadhili master of Damascus, who he served for decades. He then became the personal servant to Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman’s successors, Sheikh Mustafa al-Turkmani and Sheikh al-Shukri al-Lahafi. More recently, amidst war-torn Syrian civil unrest, he fled to Jordan where he would discover his cancer diagnosis of leukemia. While battling leukemia, he was introduced to functional, integrative, and traditional physicians who guided him to an optimal diet and lifestyle, helping his cancer remain in remission. With the intention of benefiting the community (umma) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), he compiled the words and wisdom he obtained into the present book. He and his team of clinicians began seeing and helping patients. He is beloved by scholars, students of knowledge, neighbors, children, and anyone who meets him. His way, like that of his teachers, is of unconditional love, humility, and tireless concern for others.


The Devotion of Imam Al-Nawawi

The Devotion of Imam Al-Nawawi


About The Book This Hizb/Wird is considered one of the great Devotions that is famous among the Muslims. It is attributed to the modern Imam Hafiz al-Faqih Muhyi al-Din Abu Zakaria Yahya bin Sharaf al-Din al-Shafi'i may Allah be pleased with him and make us benefit by his blessing, who died in 676 AH. It is a collection of du'aa, supplications, and recitations that were read by Imam al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) every day with the phrase of his followers that he persevered. This book is a translation of a work written in the thirteenth century by Imam al-Nawawi. In his presentation, Dr. Abd-Allah will provide an overview of the life of this saint and scholar in addition to discussing the significance of the new publication. He will define for us what tradition is, as well as the centrality of the text in establishing a living tradition. The discussion will also explore the role of such books in paving a way to gain an equilibrium within our souls; the role of spirituality in today’s world, and why some Muslims spirituality with suspicion. Written by one of the most celebrated scholars in Islamic History, The Devotion of Imam al-Nawawi is a beautiful remembrance and a gift from God to the community of His Beloved, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. It is highly respected and widely accepted by all spiritual paths. Among its many benefits is the subtle way it helps to purify intentions, facilitate aspirations, and give access to spiritual perfection. It asks for the protection of one's family, children, possessions, and friends against all harm.    ''By God's will, those who recite the devotion will be within God's special protection and providential care''   This translation is accompanied by an introduction and commentary that seeks to provide the seeker of God with a deeper understanding of this devotion and of remembrance (dhikr) in general. About Imam Nawawi Imam Muhyi ddin Abi Zakariyya Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi known simply as Imam Nawawi was Born in the village of Nawa in Southern Syria. He spent most of his life in Damascus where he lived in a simple manner, devoted to Allah, engaging single-mindedly in worship, study, writing, and teaching various Islamic sciences.  Although best known for his works in hadith, Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (d. 676/1277) was also the Imam of the later Shafi'i school of Jurisprudence, and widely acknowledged as the intellectual heir to Imam Shafi'i. He was a renowned scholar and jurist who dedicated his life to the pursuit of Islamic learning. Imam Nawawi died at the young age of 44 years, leaving behind him numerous works of great efforts and knowledge. He is well know for books which are easy to understand.


Being Muslim: A Practical Guide

Being Muslim: A Practical Guide

Asad Tarsin

Introducing Being Muslim  Being Muslim: A Practical Guide is a new book written to help Muslims of all backgrounds learn and practice their faith.  Being Muslim is a compilation of essential concepts and timeless wisdom compiled from over 20 reliable authorities in Islam, bringing all of these components together in one convenient, easily readable guide. Practical • Clear • Reliable This book is meant to give readers practical and useful knowledge that can help them understand what it means to be Muslim. Whether you are completely new to the religion or need to brush up on some of the basics, Being Muslim is an excellent guide to reconnect to the most essential aspects of Islam. The entire manual clearly explains the most fundamental aspects of the faith and assumes no background knowledge at all. Foreword by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf "All of the great learning that Muslims displayed throughout their history was always predicated on a foundational, core knowledge that the great usuli scholars of Islamic jurisprudence called fard 'ayn, or 'the individual obligations.' "This short book has that little amount of individually responsible knowledge necessary for a new Muslim or an unlearned Muslim rediscovering his or her religion. Dr. Asad Tarsin has rendered our community an important service by designing and writing a concise, useful, and accurate manual of core knowledge that every Muslim should know. It is a basic manual, and much needed in our time of great ignorance from within and without the Muslim community." From the foreword by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Being Muslim—A Deeper Look  We live in confusing times. When it comes to learning Islam, many wonder, "Where do I start? What should I start with?" Being Muslim presents content that is both reliable—based in Islamic scholarship—and not obscured in jargon and difficult terminology. It was designed to include what every Muslim should know as well as those things that are essential to a proper understanding of the overall vision and spirit of Islam. Being Muslim uses the Narration of Gabriel (Hadith Jibril) as a basic framework, then covers the basics of Islamic belief, how to pray and fast, spiritual refinement, a brief examination of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, an introduction to the Quran, and guidelines for living an Islamically ethical lifestyle. It also includes a glossary of frequently used Islamic terms, an appendix of short selections from the Quran, and a list of recommended reading. Learn the Essentials "Praise belongs to God, the One Who taught usthe very knowledge He made obligatory upon us."—Imam 'Abd al-Wahid ibn 'Ashir Being Muslim prioritizes your learning by focusing primarily on what is called fard 'ayn, that which every Muslim must learn in order to know and worship God appropriately. This "how-to" guide includes the essentials of Muslim belief, the rites known as the pillars of Islam, and an understanding of character refinement. By focusing on the essentials—while also providing context and important background knowledge—Being Muslim allows students to learn what is most vital and practical.  Reviews         "…An immeasurable service to both Muslims and members of other faith communities...I would highly recommend this volume to anyone interested in knowing about Islam as the vast majority of Muslims have historically understood and lived it."       —Imam Zaid Shakir, Co-Founder, Zaytuna College   "Being Muslim is a great starting point for new Muslims or those newly committed to their faith.  While no description of Islam is completely inclusive, the manual describes the practices and beliefs held by the majority of Muslims. I encourage the leadership of mosques and Islamic centers to use this book as a foundation for teaching Islam at the introductory level." —Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Chair of Islamic Studies, Huron University College   “Being Muslim is the perfect book for newcomers to Islam. Dr. Tarsin brilliantly reconciles tradition with context in this clear, accessible manual...Being Muslim is simply unparalleled. If there’s a book that should be standard curriculum in our Mosques and communities, this is it.”   —Ustadh Usama Canon, Founding Director, Ta’leef Collective About the Author Asad Tarsin has been designing Islamic educational programs and teaching the basics of Islam for more than a decade. After completing his bachelor's degree in Islamic studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, he continued his study of Islamic theology, sacred law, philosophy and spirituality with some of the country’s most prominent Muslim scholars including Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Dr. Sherman Jackson, among others. He has served as the curriculum director for the Deen Intensive Foundation for the last ten years and has a particular interest in creating sustainable models of education for new and returning Muslims. He lectures and teaches courses on Islam across the country. Being Muslim: A Practical Guide is his first published work. He is an emergency physician by training and lives in California with his wife and three children.


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