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Food Between Curse and Cure: Islam, Health, and the Good Life

Food Between Curse and Cure: Islam, Health, and the Good Life

Abu Munir al-Shaar

About The Book Few people exemplify service to the Muslims like Abu Munir, a Syrian man who spent his entire life in service, including the century’s foremost scholars and sages, like Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman as-Shagouri, Sheikh Mustafa at-Turkmani, and Sheikh as-Shukri (May Allah have mercy upon them all), until their very last breath. Amidst war-torn Syrian civil unrest, he fled to Jordan where he would discover his cancer diagnosis of leukemia. While battling leukemia, he was introduced to functional, integrative, and traditional physicians who guided him to an optimal diet and lifestyle, helping his cancer remain in remission. With the intention of benefiting the community (umma) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), he compiled the words and wisdom he obtained into the present book. He and his team of clinicians began seeing patients and, with the will of Allah Most High, they were cured of their chronic diseases: diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, seizures, obesity, and more. Chronic disease is sabotaging our health, and the current medical model is leaving patients sicker than ever on multiple pills with multiple side effects. Patients are depressed with no guidance. The advice provided in this book will cure 90% of medical conditions in the physical realm through addressing the root cause while providing readers the real cure in the spiritual realm through augmenting one's relationship with Allah Most High. A certified physician assistant (PA-C) with a background in the Arabic sciences, the translator researched, compiled, and added upon Abu Munir's work for the western audience, providing a balance of mental, physical, and spiritual health to achieve, in words of the Koran, "the good life" (hayat tayyiba). About The Author Abu Munir is an inheritor of the beautiful Damascan tradition of spirituality and service. He was the companion and personal servant of Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghouri, the renowned Shadhili master of Damascus, who he served for decades. He then became the personal servant to Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman’s successors, Sheikh Mustafa al-Turkmani and Sheikh al-Shukri al-Lahafi. More recently, amidst war-torn Syrian civil unrest, he fled to Jordan where he would discover his cancer diagnosis of leukemia. While battling leukemia, he was introduced to functional, integrative, and traditional physicians who guided him to an optimal diet and lifestyle, helping his cancer remain in remission. With the intention of benefiting the community (umma) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), he compiled the words and wisdom he obtained into the present book. He and his team of clinicians began seeing and helping patients. He is beloved by scholars, students of knowledge, neighbors, children, and anyone who meets him. His way, like that of his teachers, is of unconditional love, humility, and tireless concern for others.


Spiritual Meanings of the Hajj Rituals – A Philological Approach

Abdulla Galadari


About The Book From a career grounded in the sciences—engineering to astrophysics—he changed course. Galadari began studying Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic, hoping to learn more about the rites of Pilgrimage through the etymological breakdown of word roots. He was not only drawn to the origin and historical development of words and their meanings, but to the study of, and relationship between, languages and their oral and written historical sources. He noted compelling parallels and similarities of narrative among faith traditions. His personal insights, suppositions and conclusions suggest a common underlying spiritual heritage and a profound interconnectedness with the People of the Book. His research can enrich any pilgrim, whether on the journey of life, or the Hajj itself. Galadari demonstrates how, through language itself, Pilgrimage may be viewed as a struggle against the lower self, nafs, leading to purity of heart, an archetypal journey of the soul. The rites of Hajj help a pilgrim divest him — or herself of all but God’s presence.


Barakatu Makkiyya: The Meccan Blessings

Moulana Musa al-Ruhani al-Bazi


About The Book Barakatu Makkiyyah (The Meccan Blessings), by a great Pakistani scholar of recent times, Moulana Musa Ruhani Bazi, which contains 805 sacred names of Rasulullah ﷺ each surrounded by salawat.


Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah

Muhammad Ibn Alawi al-Maliki


About The Book In a world increasingly driven by materialism and immediate gratification, Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah offers a glimpse into the divine promise that awaits the faithful. This beautiful work by Sayyid Muhammad b. 'Alawi al-Maliki, translated into English by Shaykh Ahmad Shaist, unveils the Islamic vision of Jannah, a realm beyond human imagination. By compiling the numerous vivid descriptions of Jannah in the Qur'an and Hadith, this text brings the reader on a profound journey, which instills hope and provides both solace and much-needed perspective. In his inimitable style, the late Sayyid weaves together the different descriptions and discusses them both as reality and as metaphors for spiritual fulfillment and eternal closeness to Allah, providing a nuanced understanding of the afterlife that transcends literal interpretations. "What No Eye Has Seen," or as rendered in this translation, “Heaven Explored”, is a compelling read for anyone interested in acquainting themselves with the nature of Jannah for the believers. This book is more than an academic treatise; it is a journey towards understanding the divine promise that lies at the heart of a believer’s journey to Allah – the promise of a Paradise beyond the limits of human imagination, meeting the Beloved of Allah ﷺ by the Pond, and seeing Allah, the Exalted. Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah goes beyond theological exploration, presenting Paradise as both a future abode and a guiding principle for living a righteous, purposeful life. In this edition, Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki’s insights are brought to life through Shaykh Ahmad Shaist's meticulous translation, making the work accessible to a global English-speaking audience. As Sayyid Zain al-Haddad and Shaykh Musab Penfound write in the foreword, this work is "a beacon for those seeking to comprehend the profound mysteries of the Hereafter"

Spiritual Meanings of the Hajj Rituals – A Philological Approach
Barakatu Makkiyya: The Meccan Blessings
Heaven Explored: A Description of Jannah
Mohamed Zakariya – A 21st century Master Calligrapher
Al-Salawat Al-Jafariyyah: The Jafari Salutations regarding the Prayer on the Best of Creationﷺ (Bilingual Edition)
On Prayers Upon the Prophet (Gems from the Shifa)
O Humankind: Surah Ya-Sin
The Honored One: Allah’s Praise of His Beloved ﷺ - Gems from ‘The Shifa’
The Prophet's ﷺ Night Journey and Heavenly Ascent
The Chapters of Mary and Ta Ha from the Immense Ocean – Ibn Ajiba (al-Bahr al-Madid)
Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur’an: A Translation of Asrar Tartib al-Quran
The Life of the Prophets in their Graves
Spiritual Meanings of the Hajj Rituals – A Philological Approach

Spiritual Meanings of the Hajj Rituals – A Philological Approach

Abdulla Galadari

About The Book From a career grounded in the sciences—engineering to astrophysics—he changed course. Galadari began studying Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic, hoping to learn more about the rites of Pilgrimage through the etymological breakdown of word roots. He was not only drawn to the origin and historical development of words and their meanings, but to the study of, and relationship between, languages and their oral and written historical sources. He noted compelling parallels and similarities of narrative among faith traditions. His personal insights, suppositions and conclusions suggest a common underlying spiritual heritage and a profound interconnectedness with the People of the Book. His research can enrich any pilgrim, whether on the journey of life, or the Hajj itself. Galadari demonstrates how, through language itself, Pilgrimage may be viewed as a struggle against the lower self, nafs, leading to purity of heart, an archetypal journey of the soul. The rites of Hajj help a pilgrim divest him — or herself of all but God’s presence.


Revelation: The Story of Muhammad  Peace be upon him

Revelation: The Story of Muhammad Peace be upon him

Meraj Mohiuddin

 NOTE: This item will be back in stock shortly in January 2025 Meraj Mohiuddin is a Harvard-trained physician with a background in neuroscience. He has spent the past 12 years writing a comprehensive textbook for motivated students and busy professionals who are looking to rekindle their relationship with the Prophet and the Qur'an. Dr. Mohiuddin is also a teacher and writer who is specifically interested in examining how modern discoveries in human cognition and behavior may deepen our understanding of classical Islamic thought.   Prophetic biography is one of the most important of our religion’s sciences, and this new addition to the increasingly rich and varied literature now available in the English language is both useful and accurate in its presentation and content. Drawing from several existing works of Sirah, this novel textbook format with copious images, maps, and diagrams will help visually-oriented readers to better grasp certain aspects of the Sirah. Prophetic biographies are especially valuable when taught to Muslims at an early age so they know better the mercy, wisdom, struggle and beauty of our Prophet, peace be upon him. This book should help to that end. — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, President & Co-Founder - Zaytuna College The first textbook of its kind in the English-speaking world, Revelation draws on the most authoritative sources to present a detailed yet refreshing guide to the life of the Prophet and the story of Qur'anic revelation.    THE BOOK AT A GLANCE SIRAH TEXTBOOK Discover how complex forces shaped the Prophet's life. Each segment of the Sirah is presented in a refreshingly succinct and high yield approach that guarantees mastery of the most authoritative sources of the Prophetic biography. COMMENTARY POINTS Examine the very best commentaries on important and challenging topics by a diverse array of respected scholars and authors including Hamza Yusuf, Tariq Ramadan, Karen Armstrong, Adil Salahi, and Reza Aslan. QUR’ANIC VERSES Experience the Qur'an unfold, with 400+ verses that are chronologically woven into an authentic narrative of Prophet Muhammad’s life (pbuh). GLOSSARY OF NAMES Connect the dots with an extensive glossary of 400+ entries that highlight each individual, their relationship with others, and the role they played.        FIGURES & VISUAL AIDES Retain critical details with the help of 90+ original figures (maps, family trees, and information graphics) that simplify complex material and boost retention.  SIRAH TIMELINE & STUDY PLAN Memorize the Sirah timeline in 10 minutes with an innovative system that bypasses years of rote memorization. Access a 30-day study plan that will lead to mastery of the Prophet's life.      

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