Mandhumat al-Bayquniyah or Bayquni's Hadith Methodology written in versified style of thirty four verses is the smallest work written in the subject that has covered most of the methodological terms in Hadith science. This work, despite its size has been given numerous attention by numerous scholars of the past as well as modern day.
The best and most concise commentary is by the kate Syrian Hadith memoriser, the 'Allamah, the knower of Hadith defects Imam Abdallah Sirajudeen. This commentary uses much of the references of previous works written on this work, but the author also analysis the history and formation of Hadith Methodology. Mustalah Hadith has been a subject well advanced by every age and generation. As such this commentary its size marks another threshold.
Each category has been extensively analysed by the author, may Allah reward him and he also added some of the few missing categories at the end of the work. The entire book is fully vowelised (Tashkeel) for easy reading. The Bayquniyah text work is summarised at the end.
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