About The Book
Bilal al-Habashi was a slave under the Meccan pagans, who ruled the city. But with the Prophet Muhammad's message of liberation, faith, and love, seeds of hope were planted in his soul. He'd never felt like a free man before, but after answering the Prophet's call, he was treated like one of the nobles of Mecca.
But the pagan leaders were alarmed by Bilal's embrace of Islam. The Prophet's message could destroy their hold over the city. What if the other slaves realized they, too could be freed by the call of Islam? They knew they needed to silence Bilal. And they tried, laying him on burning sands and placing massive, searing rocks on his chest Despite the pagan's torture, Bilal could not be silenced, and he cried out, 'One' One! Allah is One! and did not turn from his faith.
Once a worthless slave in the eyes Meccan pagans. Bilal al-Habashi rose to become a high-ranking general under Islam. His famous, sorrowful call to prayer. which brought comfort to his Messenger and his Companions, still echoes all across the Islamic world. The heroic example of Bilal is a reminder of freedom's value and the nobility of being human, regardless of color.
About The Authors
Hilal Kara holds a PhD in pedagogy from Conway and a Master's degree in hadith studies from Turkey. She frequently lectures on personal development and family education.
Abdullah Kara is a graduate of Arabic and Islamic studies. He is the author of a number of publications, most of which cover Islamic history and character development.
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