Following the publication of 'Khalid ibn Waleed - Sword of Allah,' there has been a huge revival in reader's interest for books dealing with early Islamic History. It was decided that we complete the task of publishing the [out of print] books by A.I.Akram on the first hundred years of Islam.
Hence, present before you is second in the series of books written by A.I.Akram - The Muslim Conquest of Persia. This version has been edited with the addition of footnotes, Anglicization of certain terms and the corrections of minor spelling and grammatical errors. This edition also includes the original maps [digitized] drawn by the author from its original print.
About Author:
Agha Ali Ibrahim Akram better known as A. I. Akram was a Pakistan army's lieutenant-general and a historian. He wrote books about early Muslim conquests. His first book was The Sword of Allah. He retired from Pakistan Army as Lieutenant-General in 1978. He also served as Pakistan's Ambassador to Spain. He founded the Institute of Regional Studies in 1982 and remained its president till his death in 1989.
His first book, The Sword of Allah, on the life and campaigns of Khalid ibn al-Walid, was published in 1970 after a five years effort, including visits to battle-fields in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. It has two English editions, and has been translated into Urdu, Arabic, German and Bahasa. For several years it was compulsory reading in the Pakistan Army for entrance to the Sraff College and has been on the leadership syllabus in the Malaysian Army. His second book The Muslim Conquest of Persia was published after four years. After visiting the battlefields in Iran and discussions with Iranian scholars. The Muslim Conquest of Egypt and North Africa was his third book, which also took four years of preparations and visits to Egypt and Tunisia. His last book was The Rise of Cordoba, which was published in 1986. To research for writing all these books he learned Arabic, Persian and Spanish and collected an impressive library of historical works.