About The Book
This book consists of eighty-nine discourses, each one being an exegesis on one of the eighty-nine Quranic verses. In which the believers are addressed as: โO you who believeโ.
The Shaikh says of this work: โI give thanks to the master (Glorious and Exalted is He) for making this work easy for me. Whenever I read the Quran, the sound of the call from my Lord would penetrate my heart, with his saying (Exalted is He):
O you who truly believe! Ya ayyuha lladhina amanu.
โI would pause at each verse containing a call, and contemplate what Allah meant this Call to signify for me it occurred to my heart that I should collect them and write them down, but I did not decide to act on the feeling until I was moved to do so by Allahโs enabling grace.โ
About The Author
Shaikh Ahmad Fath'ullah Jami is a Shaikh of the Shadhili Sufi order and native of Mush (in Eastern Turkey). Shaikh Ahmad is Khalidi by descent and Shafi'i by school of Islamic law [madhhab]. He is the successor of Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir 'Isa al-Halabi.
About The Translator
Muhtar Hollandย was born in 1935, in the ancient city of Durham in the North East of England. This statement may be considered anachronistic, however, since he did not bear the name Muhtar until 1969 when he was moved by powerful experiences in the latihan kejiwaan of Subud-to embrace the religion of Islam. His freelance activities have mostly been devoted to writing and translating in various parts of the world, including Scotland and California. He made his Pilgrimage [Hajj] to Mecca in 1980.
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