Prologue of The Removal of Cares
In the Name of Allah, All-Merciful and Compassionate!
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds, and may Allah bestow blessings and peace upon our Master Muhammad and his family and his companions.
The following discourses were delivered by the Shaikh, the Imam, the most learned scholar, the pious abstainer, the dutiful worshiper, the knower by direct experience, the avoider of excess, the Shaikh of Shaikhs, the proof of Islam [hujjat al-Islam], the axis of the human race [qutb al-anam], the upholder of the Sunna, the suppressor of heretical innovation, the crown of those who know by direct experience, the love of those who tread the spiritual path, the pillar of the Shari'a [the Law of Islam], the mainstay of the Haqiqa [the Experience of Reality] and the signpost of the Tariqa [the Spiritual Path], the chief of the saints, the leader of the pure, the lantern of those who travel the spiritual way, the guide, the captain of those who are devoted to their duty, the lamp of the people of devotion and purity, Shaikh Muhyi 'd-Din Abu Muhammad 'Abd al-Qadir, son of Abu Salih Musa al-Jili the grandson of 'Abdullah the Hermit.
May Allah sanctify his spirit and illuminate his mausoleum. May He gather us at the Resurrection as members of his company, and may He grant that we die in the embrace of his affection. May He allow us to enjoy the benefit of his blessed grace and of his spoken words, both in this world and in the hereafter. And may Allah bless our Master Muhammad and his family and his companions, each and every one of them, and may He grant them peace in great abundance. And praise be to Allah, Lord of All the Worlds.
The first of these discourses [majalis] was delivered on a Friday, the 9th day of the month of Rajab, and the last of them was delivered on the 14th day of the blessed month of Ramadan, in the year [A.H.] 546.
About The Author
Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani Al-Sayyid Muhiyudin Abu Muhammad Abdal Qadir Al-Jilani Al-Hasani Wal-Hussaini (born 11 Rabi al-Thani, 470 Hijri, in the town of Na'if, district of Gilan, Ilam Province Or Amol of Tabarestan, Persia, oar Gilan Al-Mada'in , Iraq died 8 Rabi al-Awwal 561 AH, in Baghdad, (1077–1166 CE), was a Persian Hanbali jurist and Sufi based in Baghdad. Qadiriyya was his patronym.
About The Translator
Muhtar Holland was born in 1935, in the ancient city of Durham in the North East of England. This statement may be considered anachronistic, however, since he did not bear the name Muhtar until 1969, when he was moved-by powerful experiences in the latihan kejiwaan of Subud-to embrace the religion of Islam. His freelance activities have mostly been devoted to writing and translating in various parts of the world, including Scotland and California. He made his Pilgrimage [Hajj] to Mecca in 1980.
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